Who’s The Real Enemy Behind The Vape Industry?

Who's The Real Enemy Behind The Vape Industry?

In a mere half-decade, the vape industry and e-cigarettes went from being applauded as a perfect alternate and safer way to one of the major public health disasters. But how did all this happen? How did many governments start targeting e-cigarettes? Why did some local public health officials start facilitating the removal of these e-cigarettes from store shelves leaving behind all the tobacco for sale? When clearly tobacco products are more harmful. Well! The answer to these questions is not simple, and it involves some culprits, tone-deaf marketing manufacturers, defective media and government regulations. There is something more troubling in this case that lies in the heart of this story, and we call it “The Extraordinary Lack of Integrity in Public Health Sector” continue reading so you can get the idea more clearly.

Vaping was introduced to help many people. There were thousands of reasons, including the deadly harm of traditional cigarettes and how the tobacco industry was fooling everyone. Unfortunately, the tobacco industry introduced “tar-reducing” methods employed by cigarette makers to let users think that smoking is becoming safer. Little did they know that this new touted filter’s intentions to trap the nicotine were less satisfying for the users. This technique caused the users to start inhaling the cigarette smoke more deeply to get their preferred dose. The less nicotine initiative caused hype, and smokers started to crave more nicotine.

However, it did help a very small ratio of smokers cut down their nicotine intake, most ethical users who put serious effort to remain healthy. It fooled the federal trade commission smoke machine that determines the tar and nicotine yield into measuring tar and nicotine for a given time. One thing which didn’t change, the number of patients because of smoking. The tobacco industry knew that their “tar-reducing” cigarettes were mere a move to sell more. Still, they declared it as a safer option.

Common Misconception about E-Cigarettes

To start addressing the common misconceptions about e-cigarettes, the benefits, and the risks, here is the truth that you need to know. Health officials claimed that e-cigarettes are not safe compared to combustible cigarettes. It could not be more wrong, since the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report concluded that “They contain fewer numbers and lower levels of toxic substances than conventional cigarettes.” The report also suggested numerous toxic substances found in combustible cigarettes solely responsible for many health issues.

Final Words

It is very hard to highlight the long-term health risks of e-cigarettes, but the available data suggest that there are only 5% risks or may be lower than this figure. Combustible cigarettes are well known to cause physical and mental harm for ages. There have been many false accusations in vaping industry that claims that using them can cause many harms. Many traditional smokers switched to vaping and were happy to quit once they felt the difference. Time will tell which option is better, until that day.

If you want to know more about vaping or want to switch to a safer option to smoke, contact us today. We will be more than happy to assist you.