Is Vaping Better Than Smoking?

Is Vaping Better Than Smoking?

The debate never ends! Is vaping better than smoking? Well! If you look through the myths being purposely propagated, the answer is pretty simple; vaping IS better than smoking. You might be wondering how. Here in this blog, you will learn few things that make pretty decent sense regarding this issue. We all know that smoking is an unhealthy exercise. It does not make it better or worse. Before diving into the detail, you should know that tobacco companies have always tried to fool consumers by advertising false claims. They claimed that light cigarettes or an extra filter would cause less damage. We hate to break it to you, but it DOESN’T. Cigarettes have more than 7000 chemicals ready to kill you. While e-cigarettes or vapes have minimal chemicals and most of them are FDA approved for human ingestion. Here are some basic facts that will prove the point.

Facts About Vaping

Is vaping better than smoking? Yes, it is. These facts will blow your mind. They may not intimidate you into vaping, but they will clear away most of the confusion.

Vaping E-Cigarettes Is Less Dangerous

Taking about the danger, here is what you need to know. First of all, e-cigarettes are FDA approved because of the substances used inside. You can check yourself; only 3 or 4 main chemicals are used that humans can ingest without any danger. Most of these chemicals are already being used in many food items. So you may already be consuming them even if you don’t use vape.

Less Lies More Flavour

The tobacco industry has been fooling its consumer by introducing new and better ways of smoking. These better ways include so-called “enhanced filters” and “Light cigarettes.” No matter what brand you smoke, each cigarette has more than 7000 chemicals. Some of them are the reason people get cancer. The tobacco industry portrays so many illusions, or should we say, “pretty little lies.”

On the other hand, vaping has always been the same, with the same guidelines and proper instruction about what you are inhaling. FDA does not approve something until it’s safe for humans. As said earlier, all chemicals except Nicotine are harmless for humans.

No Long Term Effects

There are no significant or long-term effects associated with vaping. Although nicotine is the only substance used, it isn’t good because it hooks you up. Another fact that you must be aware of is not to mistreat or abuse any of the substances. Even food can kill people if they overeat. So as long as you steer clear from overdoing vape, you can enjoy it and stay healthy.

To Sum It Up!

Smoking is terrible, and it has some significant effects on your body. Many studies have proved it. Vaping is a safe alternative to smoking, and it is capable of helping people quit the traditional smoking habit. If you are interested in switching from smoking to vaping, Majestic vape is your destination. Check out their starter kit if you are a newbie. Or you can browse the extensive vape juice inventory on the website.

We hope that we have cleared up any confusion you had. If you have more queries, Contact us, and we will be more than happy to assist you.