What is Vaper’s Tongue, and What Can You Do About It?

Vaper's Tongue

Do you remember the first time you realized you didn’t like your favourite flavour after vaping it for a while? Or worse, did you find your tongue was numb or that you couldn’t taste anything? You have what we call the vaper’s tongue. First of all, do not panic, as this is usually not serious and will not last forever. In this article, find out what is vaper’s tongue is and what you can do to stop it.

What Is Vaper’s Tongue?

It is also referred to as vaper’s fatigue, a term used to describe a range of different taste-related ailments, such as losing the taste for all foods and beverages. The side effects are more severe and are caused due to dehydration, vitamin deficiency, or illness. But most of the time, the problem is temporary and quickly resolves, although we’ll discuss a few things to help you get back to normal more quickly! 

Regular vaping can lead to a vaper’s tongue. The tongue feels coated with something, making it difficult for the vaper to distinguish flavours while the vapour and nicotine are not affected. We may get confused and become resistant to vaping if we lose our taste abilities without warning. There are some suitable ways to treat this phenomenon. However, it’s essential to understand the causes and how to avoid them or recover from them.

3 Ways to Cure Vaper’s Tongue

Coffee Beans And Lemon

Using fresh coffee beans as inhalants or sucking on lemons is one easy way to achieve this. Coffee can work the same way as when you drink wine, it can make you drunk, but if you eat grapes, it can alleviate a hangover. If you consume too much caffeine, it could result in a dry mouth. However, the smell of fresh coffee beans could help you reclaim your sense of smell so you can take care of your vaper’s tongue. Therefore, coffee beans will soothe your olfactory, fresh lemon juice will soothe your taste buds, and the taste of sourness could stimulate the salivary glands to produce saliva, which should provide complete relief for your vaping tongue.

Switch The Juice

Don’t be afraid to experiment! You may lose your taste for orange vape juice if you always vape it. If you are used to one flavour, try some other ones, especially if the new flavour is very different from the one you are currently using. You could kill two birds with one stone – a fixed tongue and a new flavour to try.

Try Menthol Flavour 

Even though most people do not smell or taste it, menthol can stimulate their senses. Mint flavours assist your taste buds in rebuilding their function with their intense flavour.

Wrapping Up

Taking a more extended break when you realize you have the vaper’s tongue is the simplest (and hardest for some) way to heal it. Take a break from vaping until your taste sensations return. This might take a few days or weeks, depending on the individual. But once you do it, it can significantly increase the chance for the return of your taste buds. We have all the information about vaping, so you can feel free to contact us if you have any questions.