How to Avoid Vape Coil Gunk

Vape Coil

Coil gunk is probably painfully familiar for anyone who has ever used a traditional or sub-ohm vape. Vape coil costs will go through the roof when this substance gets into your pod.

We all hate coil gunk, but is there something we can do about it?

You can’t prevent it entirely, but you can reduce its presence, which will, in turn, increase the coil’s lifespan.

What is Vape Coil Gunk?

Several things make up coil gunk. Most of it is unvaporized e-juice in your pod or tank that you bought from an online vape store. In addition, other factors can determine the frequency and cause of coil gunk.

You can easily spot gunk. Over time, you are forced to replace your coils due to the accumulation of this black, sticky, tar-like substance.

You might have to make some adjustments to reduce coil gunk, but once you notice the difference, it’s worth it.

What Causes Coil Gunk?

Finding out why coil gunk occurs is the first step toward preventing it.

Vape Juices with Sweeteners

Different liquids are manufactured with different ingredients. It is sometimes necessary to use very specific ingredients in order to achieve a certain flavour – ones that may not work so well with your vape coils.

It is always a red flag to buy dark e-liquids. The dark colour usually indicates that the vape company used sweetener in the recipe.

The sweeteners in the liquid may enhance the taste, but they don’t exactly vaporize. There is only one other place for them to go if they don’t join the vapour.

When the crystallized e-juice sweetener churns with the rest of the gunk, the flavour is ruined, and the coil is ultimately destroyed.

High VG E-Juices

You’re likely to keep at least one bottle of high-VG e-liquid in your arsenal if you’re a cloud chaser with a decent sub-ohm device.

The downside of VG is that although it’s great for creating massive clouds, it kills your coils and causes coil gunk.

VG has a much thicker consistency, so the coils already have to absorb a lot of vape juice before they can even use it. Left behind, the VG eventually burns and becomes gunk.

A majority of vapers feel this way, but not all. However, some mods may feature better atomizer designs or settings, which may minimize gunk accumulation.

Intense Vaping Practices

You can change your vaping technique in a number of subtle ways. Your vape can become gunky if your habits cause it to strain.

The use of high power settings, continuous chain vaping, and taking long draws force your coils into overdrive. When you vape, the juice vaporizes faster than it soaks into the wick, causing the wick to burn gradually.

As a result of this buildup, you are making the situation worse.

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How to Avoid Coil Gunk

We can quickly figure out what causes coil gunk now that we know its cause. You might not be able to choose all of these, whether because of strong preferences or lack of options. If you try just one change, your coils will last longer.

Use Less VG

A maximum VG of 70 is typically considered “max VG.” Liquids as high as 100VG are rare, but they are available. Those who constantly change their coils – cloud chasers or general VG-lovers – can imagine how infuriating this must be.

The solution is straightforward at this point. It would be best to choose a liquid containing a low percentage of VG. You might be able to choose VG/PG levels from a manufacturer that offers 60VG as a standard.

Eliminate Sweeteners

E-juices without sweeteners can be great. Try switching to clear e-juices if you can avoid dark juices. Besides, you can also buy herbal vapes from Majestic Vapes in addition to fruity e-liquids. Further, you can get your hands on our herbal vapes via weed delivery in London, through our delivery service.

Sweeteners are particularly prevalent in certain flavours, like coffee and pastries.
Try something new even if you’re convinced that your favourite e-juice is the best. The possibilities are endless.


Change Your Vape Practices

Your coils will benefit most from just changing your settings, techniques, and frequency of vaping.

Try shorter and sharper drags rather than long draws. Do your best to cut back if you tend to chain vape. Increasing nicotine levels may be necessary if you find yourself chain vaping to satisfy your nicotine needs.


The main reasons for the accumulation of coil gunk are chain vaping, high VG vape juices, and sweeteners. If you can avoid all three, you will be able to enjoy the better vaping experience and it won’t cost you more than it should. For more information on vape juices, devices, and accessories, reach out to us and we will help you select the right one for you.